All posts tagged: Worldwide friends

Volunteering in Iceland A smart and cheap way to visit an expensive country

Every once in a while I feel a country inside my heart calling me and telling me that is time to leave everything and prepare the luggages! The exact same thing happened with Iceland but… there was a huge “but”. What about the money? How can I afford to live and visiting it without much money? The answer just arrived while I was looking for a new experience to enrich my resume: Volunteering! I found an environmental volunteer project of a no profit organization called WorldWide Friends (WF). I spent there about 4 months working as Camp Leader in many work camps all over the island. It was a great experience and, as we were hosting short-term volunteers from all over the world every 10 days – 2 weeks,  it was like doing an exchange cultural program every time. The organisation provided us food and accommodation so we just needed the money to buy our own whims, like chocolate, chips and beers (especially)! To give you an idea of how much Iceland is expensive, I could say …