All posts tagged: Sustainable living

Our food choices can make us more environmentally friendly Here is what you can do to reduce your impact on the environment

Vegetarian? Not exactly! I don’t really like to categorize myself but when I say that I don’t eat meat I’m always asked:”Are you vegetarian?! “. So, in those situations, I’m forced to take a position and express myself. But no, I’m not vegetarian. I still eat fish and sometimes it can happen that I eat meat, especially when I’m traveling and people offer me their traditional meals. But I tend not to buy any dead animal at the supermarket and to eat fish only at some restaurants (so not that often 😛 )! What it is behind my apparently weird position is the idea of reducing. I really believe that reduce is the magic word to change our impact on the environment and to change trade rules. I really appreciate people who strongly define themselves through something they really believe in (like vegetarians, vegans etc.), but it is not my case because the thing I strongly believe in is, as I said, reducing. Reduce is a good path to increase our consciousness on our own …